Baby Nurseries
Okay, one of the blogs I really like to read is Kelly's Korner. I found out about this blog while reading some other friends' blogs and saw they had a button called "Praying for Harper". Clicking this button took me to Kelly's blog. Harper is Kelly's four month old baby (now) who had some complications when she was born. So many people were praying for her, so I joined in. And, Kelly is such a fun and creative blogger, I've enjoyed keeping up with her life (even though I realize that is probably a little creepy since I don't know her - but I don't mean it in a creepy way!!)
ANYWAY...every Friday, she's been doing a "Show Us Where You Live" day, with each Friday focusing on a different room. Well, I keep forgetting to take some pictures of my house, whatever, but this Friday was baby nurseries. She said you could show a nursery you wanted to have, even if you didn't have a baby yet. I thought, "Hello, this is me - I'll get the pictures off the Internet of what I want!" So...this is what an ideal nursery would be to me. As you know, Landon and I have no babies yet, but I'm hoping once we get settled wherever God moves us next, we might be able to get on that.
Here it is...the nursery of my future children (right now they are still in space...)
Here it is...the nursery of my future children (right now they are still in space...)
Okay, I LOVE this furniture - I want dark furniture - either cherry or espresso, and I so want a sleigh crib! BUT, so far, I have found the sleigh cribs to be super expensive, so we'll see...I am afraid I might bam the baby's head on the shelf above the changing table...so not sure about that part, but I LOVE this nursery furniture!

Okay, I really love this bedding. I guess because I'm a girl, I think mostly about girl stuff...but I love some monogramming, I love some paisley, and I love some pink and brown. Look at how on the skirting it has those little pink balls hanging off - yikes, THIS IS TO DIE FOR!

I don't really know if you have to have a chair - and I think we would have to buy one not as expensive as this one I found on the pottery barn website, but I do love it - it looks so clean and neat - and I really like the dark brown...

I love this little lamp - but I would NOT put those new bulbs that are good for the earth in it. I really hate the color those new light bulbs give off - yuck - I like cute lamps :)

I want some kind of Bible verse stuff in there - whether it's something we get someone to paint on a wall or just a big canvas art kind of thing - I don't think this matches all that well with what I've picked out above, but just to give you an idea of what I was thinking...

If you do not love monogramming (and are a woman), I seriously doubt you are from the South. I would have everything I own monogrammed and wear it all at one time (haha, hopefully not really - but that's funny to think about). So...somewhere in the baby's room, I have to have her/his monogram on the wall. Either on plates or a decal or whatever.

Alright, just in case of a boy, I really like this nursery bedding, but I'm not sold on it like I am on the girl's bedding above. I do think I like a consistent brown theme, though, whether for boy or girl, so like, my chair, above, would go with either boy or girl.

Alright, that's it for the tour of my future nursery! Sometimes it feels like I'll never have one...hopefully the Father will bless us with a family one day fairly soon...once we get settled somewhere new. Hope you enjoyed my tour!
And, if you'd like to check out my blogger friend Kelly....here's her site: