Landon and I have a lot going on right now. Not in a bad way...just in a perhaps changes are coming kind of way. It feels cautiously exciting, but it also reminds me of how good the Father is - how perfect His will is. Yesterday, in the few minutes I have in the car alone between dropping off my carpool and getting to my house, I turned on two of my very favorite songs right now. They are both off of the new
Selah CD...

You know what's funny? As much as I love music, I did not know that much about
Selah. I know some of their songs from the radio or from people singing them in church, but that's about it. A girl on one of the blogs I read put a song up from
Selah's new album called Unredeemed. I listened to the song and couldn't believe how much it felt like the story of my life the past couple of years. As soon as the album came out a couple months ago, I bought it off
itunes. I love it! My two favorites are Unredeemed and You Deliver Me. I want to tell you the words to the songs, and then I want to share with you why they mean so much to me.
UnredeemedThe cruelest world
The coldest heart
The deepest wound
The endless dark
The lonely ache
The burning tears
The bitter nights
The wasted years
Life breaks and falls apart
But we know these are
Places where grace is soon to be so amazing
It may be unfulfilled
It may be unrestored
But when anything that's shattered is laid before the Lord
Just watch and see
It will not be unredeemed
For every choice that led to shame
And all the love that never came
For every vow that someone broke
And every lie that gave up hope
We live in the shadow of the fall
But the cross says these are all
Places where grace is soon to be so amazing
It may be unfulfilled
It may be unrestored
But when anything that's shattered is laid before the Lord
Just watch and see
It will not be unredeemed
Places where grace is soon to be so amazing
It may be unfulfilled
It may be unrestored
But you never know the miracle the Father has in store
Just watch and see
It will not be
Just watch and see
It will not be unredeemed
This song is just ridiculous to me. I've mentioned this before, but I'm such a brat to the Father. No matter what happens, and no matter how faithful He's been to me in the past, I still wonder if He will show up almost every time - and I still doubt that He can take situations and fix them. I wonder if He's really that powerful. I feel so loved by Him when I listen to this song - He knows my heart, He knows the way that I take, He didn't forget about me! This song is whispering, "Trust me, trust me, Bethany." Several things have happened in my life and in Landon's and my life together that has been a major shake down. I am amazed, completely in awe, that it's actually true. He really doesn't leave it unredeemed - anything. He really is a healer of all wounds. It's true that you never know the miracle the Father has in's okay for me to doubt it...
just watch and see, He says,
just watch and see what I'm going to do for you. Do you think He's excited as He's saying
just watch and see? He knows what's coming - He knows what good things are feels like when I know something good is going to happen, but it's a surprise and I just want to jump up and down and tell the person...that's what it makes me think of. My Father is up there....just shaking His head, sorry I'm hurting right then, but with tears of love for me saying, "Hang in, just watch and see. Just trust me.
I don't leave anything unredeemed for my child." He is so good.
Okay, the second one I love (but maybe not quite as much as the first) is:
You Deliver MeDeep as the ocean, Bright as rain
This powerful emotion lifts me up above the planes
It's taken me to places I never thought I'd go
Showing me a grace I never thought I'd know
When I feel like I can't go on
You deliver me
When the road is winding and way too long
You deliver me
You deliver me
I feel like a sinner, my sins have been washed clean
I'm absolutely given, this heart has never seen
I must be forgiven sometimes asking why
I was chosen to be given you in this life
When I feel like I can't go on
You deliver me
When the road is winding and way too long
You deliver me
You deliver me
When there's a distance
Between what I am and who I want to be
You deliver me
When I feel like I can't go on
You deliver me
When the road is winding and way too long
You deliver me You deliver me
When I feel like I can't go on You deliver me
When the road is winding and way too long
You deliver me
You deliver meMy favorite part of this one is the chorus. I mean, how many times do I feel like I can't go on? Let me tell you. A lot. Does the road ever feel like it's winding and way too long? Yes. A lot. Does it ever feel like we'll never get a church - yeah, that feels like a long, winding road. And then,
You deliver me. I don't have to deliver myself - and thank goodness, because I can't. I don't have to figure it out. I don't have to be that smart.
I know this has been a serious post today, and usually mine are sillier. I guess with everything that's been going on here, I just feel really grateful. Grateful for what God has done in my life - for the stuff He's shown me about Himself.
Ya'll, I can trust Him. He didn't leave me unredeemed. And, He delivers me - He is for me. And, I can trust Him. Thank you, Jesus.