Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Monday, September 19, 2011
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Too Much Excedrin = Insomia & A Weekend Update
Well, I can't these pictures to be right...so whatever...I'll just leave them however they fall (left, centered, right...) Strange. So, I got it. I got the book. I found it on half.com and ordered it a couple of weeks ago. I wasn't sure if it was going to come, but it FINALLY came yesterday. James kept shutting it over and over and didn't even care, but oh, I will help him care about Oscar and "What a Dump" again. Don't you worry. I searched for this book. This is technically the third copy of Elmo Loves You we have had in our home. But, it's the only complete copy - the one that has ALL the pages and includes the Oscar page. Mommy gets the victory!!! You can see the special page below :) And, we got to see what the next page is with Big Bird in the pool - that one was missing out of our first copy.
Here's James yesterday before the Gator game. After a lunch of ravioli we had to change the first gator outfit and move to the second. So, Steph, if you thought those orange shorts were chillin' shorts, check these out :) These crack me up, a lot. And, yes if you were wondering, James has a toothbrush in his mouth. Don't worry, it's a safe toothbrush - the handle makes a circle where the baby can't choke on it. He's been pretty excited about his teeth lately and brushing them. I was cleaning the high chair with a toothbrush in all the cracks and he freaked out and wanted to brush his teeth with the cleaning toothbrush. So, I could not get him to forget about it and finally just gave him his own toothbrush. He was happy as could be.
We had a great day today. Landon did a great job today. I got the opportunity to play the piano while Steven played the guitar today - we appreciate him helping us so much with the music lately. We had a wonderful service this morning - just remembering 09/11 - it was emotional and touching...then at the end, Eric sang I Will Rise - holy good night good grief it was awesome. I thought I was being transported to heaven! And it's been a while since I felt that way. so thankful for Eric and Kelli and their great talents and friendship. Maybe I'll try to go to bed now. Shouldn't have had those Excedrin earlier...everyone is in bed asleep but me, and James will be calling early tomorrow :) It's a big week this week! Lunch with a friend I'd like to get to know better, a special date with Lan, and Lan's parents coming into town! YAY! Lots to be thankful for today.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Let's Go, Gators!
Landon got up with James this morning and took him to breakfast at McDonald's. I was so thankful! Except, you just must know, that "getting up" with James actually means me saying to Landon, "Okay, he's awake" when I hear him fussing in his crib, and then Landon bringing him in to our room, and me watching him in the bed with me for the next 30 minutes while Landon goes to the bathroom, brushes his teeth, brushes his hair, washes his face, gets ready to go...ah, the life of a daddy :) The difference is that on the mornings I get James, I hear him fussing, I go to the bathroom - because that is a necessity - and then I get that baby! The teeth get brushed when the get brushed. Usually about 10 am :) I am not being ungrateful, I'm simply pointing out the differences in a momma and a daddy. This cracks me up each week. I enjoy James crawling all over me on my "sleep in" morning, so I don't really mind.
Landon is planning to smoke something today - ha, let me clarify. His dad was getting rid of a smoker to smoke meats or whatever, and asked Landon if he wanted it. Landon did want it, so they brought it last time they came. Today he is smoking something in it for the first time - beef brisket (is that how to spell it?). Exciting.
Oh, wait. We had an interesting night last night. Landon went yesterday afternoon and spoke to Blake Murphy's team at Hebron. James and I went along. After Landon finished we went to the mall and played and walked around, ate in the food court, got Krispy Kreme, and then decided to go back to Hebron to watch a little of the football game. Let me be clear. I understand that actually means Landon will watch the football game and I will handle James. Landon was GREAT watching him though before the game started. He showed him everything around the field and they walked and walked and walked around. We knew we would just be able to stay for a little bit of the game. Sure enough, it was too crazy, so I took James out to play in the front lawn in front of one of the school buildings. Landon came to find us around the end of the 1st quarter. And then the fun began. Landon had, on purpose - because he is one smart joker - gotten us to the game early to find a great parking place. He parked us right at an exit, where the only way we'd get blocked in was if someone pulled in the completely wrong way and totally blocked the exit for everyone. Guess what? That's what happened. So, for the next 30 minutes or so, with all the windows rolled down, I ran from the front to the back of the car trying to help Landon back out then pull up then back up then pull up - a zillion times. A couple times we thought we were completely stuck - it was a nightmare. Thank goodness we had our Gator DVD in for James so he was quiet. It was STRESSFUL. But, very funny in the end since we actually got out of there. I've always known Landon is a really good driver, but watching him in action last night with that parking situation gave me a whole new appreciation for him. He was awesome. ALRIGHT...on to today (even though I started this post talking about today).
James is ready for the Gators - I couldn't get any smiles, but I wanted to capture his outfit today.
We're ready to cheer on those Gators tonight! And, I cannot wait for church tomorrow. Landon's sermon is going to be awesome, plus the music is going to be good, plus it's Sep 11 anniversary and the service is going to be special anyway. I can't wait!!!!! I invited a lady to church yesterday at the public library story time with James - please pray Jennifer and her little girl Cayden (not sure about the spelling) join us for church soon!!!!
Friday, September 9, 2011
Fenomenal Family Friday: the Rowe Family
This is a new feature I want to do on Fridays...we know so many great people - lots of them here at our church. So many have been "Jesus with skin on" to us. I could not be more thankful to be where we are right now. So...I want to share about some of those families. This week I want to share about Hank and Lane Rowe. Landon has known Hank and Lane much better than I have until fairly recently. When Hank was sick last year, Landon went by to visit them a few times and got to know them well. I remember, even then, him coming home and telling me, "You have got to get to know them. You will like them so much. They are just real people." I've seen them in church many times, and they are always kind to us. BUT then, I started to have the opportunity to know them a little better. Lane (who didn't go on our women's retreat last year and that was my first year going) was able to go this past April (I think it was April) on the trip. She was hilarious! She is a take charge kind of girl...and you know, thats my favorite kind of girl :) I recall her asking someone if that was her coke on the table and what was she planning to do with it before she went upstairs - haha. Clearly, she likes to run a tight ship. But then, one of my favorite things about her thus far...on the morning of the royal wedding, she brought special china (like really special - but I don't know what to call it) and made English tea and crumpets for us....oh, and HATS! Basically, I thought she was great. Funny and authentic and just what you see is what you get. And, I like that. She and Hank invited our family over for dinner this past Tuesday evening. We had a wonderful time - such a wonderful time that I didn't want to leave (even though I always want to leave and put James to bed) I stayed and stayed and stayed until finally Landon said, "Um...okay...we need to go." And he's usually never the exit speaker :) When we came in, Lane had special snacks just for James to eat, and special toys she had cloroxed that day just or James to play with. Hank and Lane live in a farmouse that is fabulous - one of the most unique homes I've ever been in. She has such a knack for decorating. I loved touring their home. And the outside...it was as beautiful as the inside. Hank gardens and has flowers, and it was just gorgeous. A place where you immediately feel at home, even though, technically, it's not your home. We had pork loin, potato casserole, green beans, and a delicious cheesecake like pudding with strawberries for dessert. Lane had a special plate, cup, and silverware for James to use. They both are such fascinating people - I so enjoyed hearing them tell about their kids growing up, trials God brought them through, and many funny stories about various things. I'm not exactly sure what Hank technically did in the travel industry...but I do know that man can plan some cruises for people...so I'm excited about him looking into that for us :) Conclusion: I love these people. I'm so thankful to get to know them better, and I'm so thankful they are part of our Bethabra family.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood
Here's my friend, James, last night before we left for church. He was looking so cute in his jeans and close toed shoes!!! Fall is coming!
This man has been very busy today. He started out the day by pulling most of his stuff out of the three drawers that are open.
We went outside for a while, and I finally took pictures of my mums. I'm hoping they will get bigger than they are now so that they'll be more noticeable. I fertilized all the shrubs and flowers while James played with his lawnmower, wagon, and t ball stuff...and ran around the yard numerous times.
So, I'd been wanting to take his picture with his new swing! Yay for Daddy for putting the swing up!! We did swing for a while this morning, but then once I got the camera out...James wanted NOTHING to do with it. Just wanted to capture his face below...
Still no bottom molars. Still fussiness. Still Tylenol. Still surviving. Still thankful to have a healthy baby who is doing normal stuff like getting teeth. :) Oh, and remember yesterday how I asked for prayer for the couple I was hoping would return to Intimate Encounters. Well, guess what? They came!!! And, a new couple may be joining us for our class! Awesome, huh?
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Tasty Tuesday...a Day Late?
There are several things I have on my list to blog about, but I haven't had a chance to take a few pictures! So...I'll just go with what I've got today. I've been in a major funk the past couple of days. Two nights ago we were in bed, and the wind was really blowing from that tropical system, and it shook our outside door from the bedroom, and I started crying - um, on edge a little, you think? Weird. Nothing crazy is going on here - just life as usual - yet, I've been really on edge. Now, it is true that James is teething and getting his bottom molars and has been a little less than easy to live with this week. But, nothing completely insane. Might need to take a few moments of silence and rest in my Father, huh? Wish I actually made that more of a priority most of the time and didn't wait until I'm at my wit's end. ANYWAY, the week is looking up (not that it was ever looking down...just I was looking down). Look at these sweet pictures I took of James on Sunday morning before church.
We had dinner last night with Hank and Lane Rowe, a PRECIOUS couple we go to church with. I love them, and I want to say more about it later in the week. BUT today, I wanted to post this recipe for the best meatloaf we've ever had here. We have this Paula Deen cookbook that I make carrot cake out of a lot. When Jason and Jeanette were over a while back, they mentioned that they have the same cookbook and asked if we'd ever made the meatloaf. We had not, so I tried it. It was awesome. Landon even thought it was awesome. So, I wanted to share the recipe :)
Basic Meat Loaf
Meat loaf ingredients:
1 lb. ground beef
1 1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp ground black pepper
1/2 cup chopped onion
1/2 cup chopped bell pepper
1 egg, lightly beaten
8 oz canned diced tomatoes, with juice
1/2 cup quick cooking oats
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Mix all meat loaf ingredients well and place in a baking dish. Shape into a loaf.
1/2 cup ketchup
2 tbsp brown sugar
1 tbsp prepared mustard
Mix ingredients for topping and spread on loaf. Bake for 1 hr.
This was pretty great. Can't wait to eat dinner at church tonight - man, those dinners are AWESOME. And, can't wait to do our Intimate Encounters class tonight. I am really, really praying that one couple, in particular, decides to come tonight. If you think about it, please pray they will!!!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Fall is Coming. I Say IT IS.
Wow. It's been a busy few days. I felt like I was in a twilight zone at church last night for some reason. Just seemed like a lot of chaos. No one to watch James for a little (which was resolved quickly) bit, 2 dirty diapers in a span of like 5 minutes, a friend having a really difficult time, our GREAT marriage class waiting for us...it was just like I was moving in slow motion. Weird. And, btw, Intimate Encounters is going really well. I am so excited for the couples in our class. Alright...moving on to more unimportant things. I decided to start decorating for fall today. I am sick of summer. I am thankful the last few days haven't been that hot, and I've been working outside for at least an hour everyday in the flower bed while James plays. I put these flowers in the door bucket this morning...
Here's the flower bed I'm working on. Don't judge me. I feel judged and I haven't even published this post. I know the flower bed is plain. We actually just planted all that stuff late in the spring this year. I think it's doing GREAT - my co-worker/former carpooler/friend, Mariana, and her husband, David, drew us a landscape plan for our front flower bed. We've planted almost everything, but we do still have a couple of things left to do. The Bermuda grass has been taking over in there though - there are all these runners, down deep that I keep having to dig down to and then try to pull out by the roots. Whew, it's a lot of work. See on the right side all that grass...well, it was over a little farther before I started taking care of it's little runner selves, and I'm getting it under control. I used to HATE it outside. I can remember my parents would have to force me with threats of punishment to get me to come out into the yard and help with anything. So now, I'm a little better about it. Especially with James wanting to come outside, it just seems like it gives me something productive to do when I'm not playing with him or telling him to get away from the road, or telling him not to stick his finger in that sprinkler thing because there are most likely black widows in there. Good times. I also miracle grow-d the shrubs today. Those things better be beastly in a couple of weeks.
One funny story. Every time we come outside, I lock the front door. Anyone who knows me would probably not think this is a surprise. So then, I have the key. Well, usually I put it in the wagon on the porch - or somewhere else, but I'm just saying it's sitting around somewhere. Well, good ole' James. That bro just cannot let it go. He ALWAYS gets the key and carries it around the entire yard. He likes to slide it down the slide, and just generally make it his bff while we are out. I am worried he's going to drop the key one day and then we'll be searching the entire yard and not be able to find it, and then because I am a maniac, this would cause us to have to have all locks changed. Anyway, I thought this picture of him holding this key truly captures what it's like to be outside. Aside from the fact that he whines a lot of the time because he wants me to open my bottle of water for him (oh friends, he has his own ice water) so that he can pour it out in the yard and then try to put the cap on and off 100 times :) He is busy.
Then, I put my fall centerpiece together. If you think the middle candle looks funny, that's because it does. One year I put stored it in the attic and it mostly melted :( I thought about putting it on the table, but with having people over sometimes, James stuff', etc., I thought it was safer on the counter. I want to do scarecrow setup thing in the front yard, but I'm going to wait a little longer on that one. These two things today have satisfied my craving for fall for at least a week, I think.
James played great outside today. He is so funny. I brought his lawnmower out (thanks Steph) for him to "mow" the grass. He was hilarious. But, it didn't occupy him for too long.
Here's the flower bed I'm working on. Don't judge me. I feel judged and I haven't even published this post. I know the flower bed is plain. We actually just planted all that stuff late in the spring this year. I think it's doing GREAT - my co-worker/former carpooler/friend, Mariana, and her husband, David, drew us a landscape plan for our front flower bed. We've planted almost everything, but we do still have a couple of things left to do. The Bermuda grass has been taking over in there though - there are all these runners, down deep that I keep having to dig down to and then try to pull out by the roots. Whew, it's a lot of work. See on the right side all that grass...well, it was over a little farther before I started taking care of it's little runner selves, and I'm getting it under control. I used to HATE it outside. I can remember my parents would have to force me with threats of punishment to get me to come out into the yard and help with anything. So now, I'm a little better about it. Especially with James wanting to come outside, it just seems like it gives me something productive to do when I'm not playing with him or telling him to get away from the road, or telling him not to stick his finger in that sprinkler thing because there are most likely black widows in there. Good times. I also miracle grow-d the shrubs today. Those things better be beastly in a couple of weeks.
Which reminds me. The other night, Landon let James play with his phone. After James was in bed, we were on an all out hunt for that phone. Could not find it anywhere. James likes to stick things behind the couch cushions. Know what we did find? Landon comes into the kitchen with a rotten tomato that he's found in the couch cushion. Guess he was saving me a snack for later - how sweet :)
I love my boys. Heading to Athens tonight for Landon to visit the hospital and going to eat together somewhere fun! First Gator game this weekend - yay!!!
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