You know how some days you just feel blessed? That's how I have felt today. First, I felt blessed because James slept until 7:45. That is LATE for him. He usually is up around 7am if not a little before. He got right up and wanted to eat his breakfast. Ate great. I inhaled the peppermint mocha creamer with a little coffee in it. Then, James put his clothes on with no was picture day today at his school. He was excited about going to school - going on a bear hunt. Here he is before we left.

I worked while he was in school, and actually got to call a client and help him with a log in issue. That was exciting to me - most of my work is communicating by email, so to get to talk with someone is very exciting. Ha - I know, I need to get out more. I also got to talk to Ms. Diane on the phone, and she is so wonderful - always brightens my day when I talk to her. I think she might be an angel disguised as a human. James and I worked in the playroom, played with the geotrax, and played trains. I finally laid him down for a nap. He didn't sleep (I think because he slept a little later this morning), but he did stay in his room for an hour of quiet time, and then I let him out. He was at his gate saying loudly, "I wake up. I wake up NOW." He has been getting a little bossy. I was pretending to cry about something today - trying to be funny about something he said - and he goes, "NO MOMMY. You no cry. You happy. Stop." We are having to have some conversations about what is polite to say and what is not. I noticed, especially today, him having these funny conversations by himself in the playroom - like pretending that I am in there and talking to me, telling me what he's doing, telling me what to do (shock). Later in the afternoon while I was working on dinner, he wanted a snack and found a Tupperware full of cheerios (that were probably pretty old and stale) in the pantry. I let him have them. I didn't put them in a smaller bowl, and I knew this was basically just asking for it. Well, sure enough, he spilled them. It was no big deal and he and I sat in the floor and cleaned them up. He kept eating them straight off the floor - so he kept getting hairs in his mouth. People, please, do you know how much hair I have?? James, you have a mommy with a lot of hair, so you cannot pick food up off the floor and eat it or you will have HAIR all in your mouth...even if I sweep twice a day!
I decided to make us a really funny Halloween meal tonight. I made us mummy hot dogs and jack o lantern french fries. I sat at the table and - by hand - cut these potatoes. I explained to James we were having a Halloween meal, to which he kept yelling, "No, Mommy. No Halloween. No Halloween." Hello, Joker, you cannot wear your Thomas costume unless there is a Halloween. I tried to explain this, but then just gave up and told him not to touch the potatoes. He kept trying to pick them up and take them to the trash while I was working on them. Don't know what they've been teaching him at the Baptist preschool (haha), but I believe they may be turning him against Halloween. HA. Here's my delicious - and not nutritious - meal.
We then got to work carving our pumpkin. James chose the design...a spider.
Here he is posing with his jammies on outside before night night.
Ya'll, I worked HARD in the playroom today. I don't know if anyone else is like this, but it's like when Landon's gone, I thrive from choosing the most difficult tasks for a girl to do and doing them. I decided to move James' train table from the living room into the playroom and then had to move another table upstairs. I wanted to move our bedroom furniture the other day but the sliders were at the church, and when I told Landon that, he laughed out loud, and told me just go ahead and try. He says there's no way I can move that bedroom furniture in my room. Watch me, man. Just watch me. But I digress. So, I worked hard in there. I got the table to the doorway, and of course, it wouldn't fit in the door. Of course. I had to take everything off of it (which is like about 500 small pieces of train tracks, people, houses, etc.), turn it sideways, and slide it through the door. I think it was biting off a little more than I anticipated. But, I got it done. It actually looks like he can play in here now. Not just walk around like it's a minefield and try not to face plant everywhere.
Alright, finally. I decided to make a pumpkin roll today. My in laws visited last fall, and I had made pumpkin muffins. I remember my FIL saying, "Is it a pumpkin roll???", and I was like, um, no. So since then, I have been thinking about trying to make a pumpkin roll, because, I, also, am a huge fan of some cream cheese filling. Okay, well, all I did was look at the ingredients, because for me, if I have the ingredients, I am in, right?????? WRONG. Learned a lesson, but I made it anyway. First, it told me to put the thing in a jelly roll pan. Um, a what? So, once I just put it in what I had, then I read the next instructions about rolling it up in a tea towel. I'm sorry - are these directions in English? I have NEVER made anything (uh, not like I am a huge chef/baker) where you rolled something in a tea towel. So, I rolled that sucker up in a towel Diane, my co-worker, brought back from another country for me. It was the thinnest towel I had and doesn't have any fuzz on it. Ha, I figured that would be a benefit - if you just tasted the pumpkin roll when you took a bit with no fuzz. People kept saying online that they had trouble with it breaking as they rolled it up. I also had some difficulty with this, but generally, I was able to roll it up, and trust me, after realizing I had to roll it in a towel, who cares if it breaks some...I'm not a professional with a jelly roll pan and a tea towel.
Landon and I just ate it and it was pretty good. Moist. Good cream cheese. With cold milk. Yeasssssss. Landon has been tweeting about the debate, whereas, I just FB'd Terri and asked if she could make this crochet hat for me for this thing cute or what???? I think I might should have lived back in the 20's or 40's or something :)