Landon and I leave for church Sunday morning - we leave from our new house, I mean. We drive up the road to the gas station because I need to get a water (no refrigerator in our new house, no cups). When we pull up to the gas station (singing Oh How He Loves Us from the ipod), I've already told Landon I'll get out and get the water. We pull up and this is what I see. Well, there you go. There are chickens outside the gas station. I'm not kidding, nor am I making fun. I'm just telling you - this is like within 5 miles of our new home. I'm just here to inform you. Here's what the conversation was like:
Landon: Do you want me to go inside and get it? I'm worried the chickens might not go away when you get out.
Bethany: Hold on, I have to get this picture first. No way, I can handle it. They're not getting me (they're especially not getting me because I'm so mad about them being there and I have on tights and so they're not getting my tights).
Landon: Okay.
(Bethany gets out of the car)
Bethany (yelling): GET OUT OF HERE!
(the chickens disperse and run away)
(Bethany enters the store where a gentleman is behind the counter)
The man: Good Morning.
Bethany: Did you know there are some chickens out there?
The man: I did know. I feed them bread and they come back every day.
Bethany: Hmmm... They are pretty big. How long have they been coming here?
The man: They only come here one time a day. Every day.
(Bethany pays for sprite and big water and leaves. Chickens are nowhere to be found. Bethany re-enters car).
Landon: You're not the only one who wants to take a picture. That man over there getting gas just took a picture with his camera phone.
(We then proceed to church)
Interesting, huh? You just never know (literally) what you are going to encounter on a daily basis. I told those chickens though. Landon shared this with the church Sunday evening, and some of them seemed to know what we were talking about. Don't worry, family and friends, the chicken gas station will be on the Hoschton tour when you make your trip up.
I am so proud of you! You don't let a bunch (2)of chickens stand in your way.