Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Florida Christmas

First of all, I forgot the camera when we went over to Landon's family's house to celebrate Christmas.  This is beyond unfortunate because I REALLY wanted to take pictures over there and James and everyone.  We LOVE our camera that Landon's parents gave us last Christmas, and I just hate we forgot it at their house.  BUT, Landon's mom took some pictures with her camera, so stay tuned - I'm hoping to get some of those at some point.  After we got back home, I took a couple of pictures of James' favorite gifts from Nanna and Grandaddy.  

His one - his "go-pa-ga".  That's what he calls basketball.  Don't ask me why.  Just sounds like it to him I guess.  He loved this gift so much that he woke up the next morning after receiving it asking me about it.  Go-pa-ga?  Go-pa-ga?  He is even doing better actually letting go of the ball and not just dunking it in.  Landon says we are going to make millions off him and retire early :)  HA.  
This is another big winner - the ta-ti.  Who doesn't love a ta-ti?  The only thing he seems unsure about it that if you push a button, the tractor moves by itself, and when that happens, James goes behind a chair and hides :)
Okay, as for me, my big gift from the Frymire's was a KitchenAid mixer!!! WHAT!!!???  I know, exciting.  
Here is my first creation - a Pecan streusel sour cream pound cake.  It's not like 4 I probably wouldn't make it again, but it's pretty good, and the mixer was AWESOME. Uh, except I have to learn that once you put the flour in, you have to start it on a really low setting to let it get mixed up good before you do it to #6.  
Okay!  Christmas with the Wise's!  Here's Krista and me and James.  James has been calling Krista "Kitty" which is HILARIOUS to me.  He can halfway say Matt's name - just Ma without the tt's.  
Alright, Chomp!!
After Santa Claus, church that morning, a 6 hour drive to Florida with no food, and finally home with family opening presents.  Tired, but happy :)
Are my parents cute or what??  
This is a WREATH.  No one I gave it to seemed to know what it was.  Landon thought it was a picture frame.  Clearly, Daddy did not know either.. :)
Ah, a classic.  Potato Head...
Grandma and Grandpa came to visit one night.  I LOVE THEM.  So thankful James has gotten the chance to know them.  

We also had a visit from Steph...but uh, no pictures :(  
A GREAT Christmas.  We are beyond blessed with our families.

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