Sunday, September 8, 2013

My Nigerian Family

So...this is last Sunday.  But, let me back up and tell the entire story of how this came about.  We have a precious Nigerian family that goes to Bethabra.  They came during VBS after Landon and I began at Bethabra, and they add so much to our congregation.  Sometimes they wear their traditional outfits.  A while back, I mentioned to Stella how much I loved their outfits and how much I loved it when they wore them!  Stella nodded her headed like she knew just what to do about that.  Next thing I know, they are bringing me my very own outfit - ya'll, I would call it the right thing, but I can't remember what it's called - I know the hat part is called a "gehli" or something like that. 
I was pretty nervous this past Sunday when I wore it to church.  I was so afraid the family would not be there for some reason.  But, of course they were!  Stella arrived right before church and fixed my hat for me - it's actually just a long, long, rectangle of fabric that she EXPERTLY wrapped up on my head...unbelievable. 

I would definitely be the whitest Nigerian there has ever been - ha.  It was such a privilege to be given a dress like these sweet ladies, and for the opportunity to take a picture with them and feel like part of their family...priceless.  I cannot even imagine what it's going to feel like in heaven - red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight!  It's going to be incredible!

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