It's been a VERY long time since I've sent out a Frymire Family Update...only because we've had no changes in our life for quite a while. I am super happy to report a HUGE change coming soon, and I wanted to share it with you. Landon and I are going to be the pastor family at Bethabra Baptist Church in Hoschton, Georgia. Hoschton is northeast of Atlanta, and is about an hour (in VERY good traffic) from Woodstock, where we live now.
As you know, our journey of waiting for God to give us a church has seemed like a long one (although really I understand that waiting a year or two is not very long at all compared to some longer waits....i.e. Joseph in prison for 9 years...), and while Landon's resume has been sent to many churches, we have only talked seriously with a couple. Sometimes it felt really discouraging and like it was never going to happen. A few months ago, Landon saw Bethabra's posting on the SBC website, and First Woodstock sent his resume. About a month later, Landon was contacted by Bethabra, asking him for a CD of a sermon and anything else that might help them. Landon sent a CD and a really long and in depth questionnaire he filled out for another church a while back. So...long story sort of shorter...they began to pursue Landon and then told him he was the only candidate they were looking at. They set up a time for Landon to come and preach in a Sunday night service at a nearby baptist church. After Landon preached that night, we went to eat with them at Cracker Barrel and just kind of small talked with the committee. We really, really liked them from the beginning. They then set up an interview time to talk with Landon in depth that week. We ended up staying from 4pm until very late that night. We told them all about our journey, our passions for ministry, and Landon answered every question they had. You know what? They seemed to still want us. We've had so much advice about what to say and what not to say in interview situations, and we probably talked more on the side of what people said "not to say", but we knew, we just knew in our hearts that God would have to open the door to exactly the right place for us - exactly the right place to do the ministries He's given us passion for - we just needed to be honest. And, boy, did God ever bless that honesty. Even that night when we left, we already felt so loved by them! They all walked us out, giving us drinks to go, and leftover dessert in ziploc bags, and Tootsie roll pops! We ended up going back a few days after Landon interviewed so that WE could ask our questions. We stayed just as long that evening, and at the end of that meeting, they pretty much told us they unanimously felt like Landon was God's man for their church. It was unbelievable. The things they said, and the love we felt from them and for them so quickly was only something God could have set up. Landon took a few days and prayed, and we both knew it was God's will for us to go.
We spent this past Saturday and Sunday at the church, meeting with deacons and staff (two bi-vocational staff members - a music pastor and a youth pastor), eating great food with deacons, search committee members, and staff and their families, having a reception and town hall meeting with the church members, and then finally, Landon preached Sunday morning. We left the service right after he preached, and they went into their business meeting time to vote. Guess what? They unanimously voted Landon in. I'm saying they voted 100% to call him - not even one "no". I'd say that was a pretty good confirmation.
So, we're about to set out on a new journey. I'm hoping to keep my job - I just may have to work a little bit of a different schedule since I'll have a longer commute. We're looking for a house to buy in Hoschton, and we're planning to rent our townhouse for now. How are we feeling about leaving Woodstock? Um, it's really hard to say. In some ways, I think we feel very ready to leave. God has given us 4 amazing years at FBCW. We have learned more than I could have even imagined we would when we began our time here. We're ready to take what we've learned and share it. We're ready to do what we believe God is telling us to do - and we're so happy He's opened this door. On the other dad always said it would be hard to leave the "mother ship"...and yes, it's going to be really hard. We have a family at Woodstock, a family who's supported and loved us through a lot of stuff, and there's no doubt we love it there.
So...please pray for us! We could not be happier to FINALLY get to share this news with you, and we cannot wait to see what God has in store. We know it won't be perfect, and we'll have to learn what in the world we're doing...but we know God doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called. That's what we're counting on.
If you want to check out the church, here's the website:
And, don't worry, I wouldn't have posted without PICTURES! Here are a few:
The outside of the building with the Sanctuary and Sunday School rooms:
Here's the inside of the sanctuary - isn't it beautiful?? And, look what a great piano they have (and they have a really great piano player!)

Hi, so happy for you guys!!! :) But also sad that we won't see you around as much... :( Glad they welcomed you guys so openly and heartly.Miss not seeing you guys. I hope you two have a great and relaxed christmas season and new year.
ReplyDeleteWow!!! That is so wonderful. I hope everything goes smoothly and you find a great new house. I'm glad you have finally found the direction that you two are supposed to be going in. The new church is so lucky to have you both.