One of my favorite things about going home to visit (besides seeing family, of course) is EATING at all my favorite places in town! I would say my top 3 favorites are: Coach n' Four, Hideaway, and Mia's. Oh, and if we drive to
DeFuniak (where I went to elementary and middle school and where Landon's family lives now), I love to eat at Mom and Dad's Italian Restaurant and Ed's Restaurant (a.k.a.
Tastee Freeze). This past trip home I was able to eat at Coach n Four, Hideaway, Mia's, and Mom and Dad's - definitely a success (but I was home a week and half, and you can get a lot of eating done in that amount of time).
On the Monday after the wedding, we met
Steph for lunch at Mia's. Okay - I love
Steph AND I love Mia's AND we used to eat there in high school all the time, so it's a nostalgic sort of place for me. I always have to choose between 3 favorite things when I eat there. Chef salad (without roast beef, olives, and something else I can't remember right now) with ranch dressing, Stromboli with ham and cheese, or small lasagna (because small lasagna comes with a side salad - large does not - and I always want the side salad). Oh, and no matter what you order, you have to order bread sticks. A large order - never a small. These are the best
breadsticks I have ever had...anywhere...and I would challenge ANYONE who thinks they have had better somewhere else. Moving from Florida to Louisiana and to Georgia, I have searched for a comparable
breadstick. No. It cannot be found. If you have found one you claim to be the best, I would love to try it out and see for myself. Here's a picture of the best
breadsticks in the world.

And, see the two sauces? You must get ranch and then the hot sauce - not like "hot" like
Tabasco, but "hot" like spaghetti sauce that is warmed up rather than cold. These things are amazing. I had not been able to spend any real time with
Steph in uh....more than a year, I think. Probably more like a year and a half....I can't remember the last time we were able to spend a couple of hours together. Landon and I have had so much going on - we were able to tell her everything that's been happening. I realize now that I didn't let her talk very much (sorry!), and so we probably need another couple of hours so I could actually listen to what's going on with her.
Steph and I have many memories together - not only in high school but also at
UF. We lived together at the APT. Just remember,
Steph, "Watch for Lizards coming and going out". We have so many inside jokes that we could not remember them all if we tried. Sometimes it's sad to become an adult. There are great things about adult life, but there is nothing like those high school and college days when you have no clue what paying a bill is like :)
Steph, thanks for being my BF even though we're not as close as we used to be! I always know I can call you ANYTIME about ANYTHING and you will do whatever I need. That is a rare friend. You can call me phone numbers are...
"Hope to see you over the summer"...
Yum! Those breadsticks look fabulous! I want to go home with you so I can try these. You know I love a good breadstick! Malissa