So, Landon had church last night and didn't get home until late. I haven't been going with him yet to our new church on Wednesday nights - it's just too far for me to drive after work and then get home so late...only to get up the next morning so early and go to work again. I'm pretty tired a lot of the time, so we decided that until we get moved over, I'll sit out for Wednesday evenings. There is a dilemma for me though on any night I am home alone. I am tired....but I am HUNGRY. I always want to eat something! I had eaten at
IHOP yesterday for lunch (which by the way, I did NOT get sick - thank goodness), so I knew it would be good if I had something more "stable" like for dinner - some chicken maybe or something like that. I ran by
Publix on the way home from carpool and picked up a few things - including some chicken cutlets. Now, I was trying to eat something fairly healthy. I didn't know how I was going to bake the chicken, but I've tried to bake healthy chicken enough times to know that just putting some seasoning on it is BLAH, not great to me - this is when I have cooked it, anyway. I was flipping through my own personal recipe book last night (a binder with plastic pages with recipes I like in it) and came across this one. I
must've pulled it out of a magazine, and it's one of those Campbell soup recipes. I decided to make it. I mean, anything that says the preparation is 5 minutes, I am all about. And, it really was 5 minutes - no lie.

So, here's my creation when I pulled it out of the oven. You add cheese last, and let me just tell you, I love some cheese - so I know I probably put a little more than the recipe intended. And, I LOVE rice. I think I could eat rice every single day. I took 4 pictures of this sitting on the stove, and each time, I thought the food looked gross. I just want to tell you - it wasn't gross, okay? It was excellent!

Here's my plate, below, ready to eat - until I realized that I wanted to have some salad too, so I threw some lettuce on the place with the corn and chicken and rice.

I will definitely have this again, and I'm pretty excited about eating it for leftovers. Guess what? Landon and I are HOME together tonight. What are we going to do? My ideal evening would be...either eat out together and then come home and watch all the American Idol shows from this week or eat our leftovers (which I'm not so sure Landon will be wild about...especially if he sees these pictures), and then watch the American Idol shows from this week.
And, let me just tell you this too. I am really struggling about my clothes right now. I have a few maternity clothes, so I have on a maternity shirt today - it's just weird. It's still too big, so it looks funny, but my other shirts are getting too short. I'm feeling some shopping come on - I know that eventually I will have to buy more clothes... my next dr. appt. is next Tuesday - we'll hopefully hear the heartbeat again, but no ultrasound. Please pray I will be calm and feel good about things...I guess because the appt. is getting so close, I'm getting worried - I can't wait to hear our baby's heartbeat in there!
How funny...I love that recipe too. Well, I love anything with cheese, sour cream, and rice actually!
ReplyDeleteAnd, with my 4th baby I was so nervous about the heartbeat that I bought a doppler (like the real one from the doctor's office) so I could listen to it anytime I wanted. I kept it for about 20 weeks and then sold it to another lady who was just as nervous as me. It was totally worth the money.
Hey! So I wanted to tell you how to make awesome baked chicken-since I am such an amazing cook these days (hey, just ask our parents!). You should use shake n bake on chicken breast-it is amazing!! It takes a few minutes to take the grossness off the raw chicken but then it only takes 20 minutes to bake-just long enough to make some instant mashed potatoes and some green beans. I suggest the extra crispy kind (or original). I love you!!!