And, the fire is so delightful when Landon says we can afford to turn it on :) It snowed here last night...but not much....unfortunately. It looked like it was going to be more, but what a shock, turned out to be not as much as they thought :( The main problem today is ice, which has (wisely) kept most people at home. Here are some pictures in our neighborhood.
From out the front door of our house...

Still out the front left...

Out the back...

Out the back...

One final picture. Landon's day off is today. He had Eric over for breakfast. Landon likes his milk cold - so do I, but it's not as much of a "must" for me. I look around this morning, and Landon is putting the milk out on the deck so it can get cold....yes, I'm serious. Funny, huh?

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