Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Just Plain Weird
Landon - my Preacher
I am super proud of him. I'm really thankful for how far God has brought us.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010
The boxes - they were big!
Putting together the crib. They did a great job - and I'm glad because James has to be safe in it!

Then, I'll just need a few more decor things and we'll be set for the decoration stuff. Uh, now we'll just need...let's see....THE BABY...and all the stuff WE ACTUALLY NEED FOR THE BABY.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Registering: The Real Story

While the lady talked to us, gave us a booklet, some coupons, a plastic-y rewards card, etc., one thing she kept saying was, "Just have fun. Don't let this stress you out. " I thought, "Good grief, stop saying that. I'm excited to do this, and we're going to have fun - we're not even stressed." I wanted to start in the front corner of the store, working our way down each aisle (shocking, I know). Well, that means we had to start with the bottles. This could have been the most confusing section to start with for us. Okay, I'm not trying to be graphic here but did you know there are different stages of the nipples? There is Stage 1, slow flow, Stage 2....and some more I don't even know about. And, there are probably 6 different brands of bottles. Then, the bottles are different sizes. WHAT IN THE WORLD? Mandy and I briefly discussed this section, but we didn't really go over it. Now, I know I'll hopefully be really successful with the nursing stuff and not have to use a bottle much - we'll see - I must have these products though, just in case. We ended up buying a starter kit of the Playtex drop in kind, which I think was a very good choice. Then, I've heard so much about those Dr. Brown bottles, I wanted a couple of those. FINALLY, we finished in that crazy section. We wound our way around the store, I should say, a small part of the store. We collapsed and set up the strollers (which was kind of embarrassing because we have no idea what we're doing).
We started in the store at 7:30 on Friday night. At 9:15, Landon said we should leave before they closed at 9:30. We had probably gotten through half of the store, but we had at least made the big decisions (stroller, pack n play, swing, bouncer, high chair thing). So, we left. We were exhausted.
I went back on Saturday and finished up for us. No big decisions, so it wasn't a huge deal. I do not have a clue, though, when we'll have time to do Target. I'm hoping sometime next week. I think I'm going to double register for stuff in both stores, and then take it off the registry in the other store if we receive it (did that make sense?). The only thing I don't want to double register for is the stroller - I love that thing, and it's the one I really, really want. They don't carry it at Target at all, so I'm not going to register for a stroller there.
So, if you want to look at our it is!;jsessionid=GnSqLv1hLvc5rXdThnKTPpYMfgJnxf2HVLH1tffyzBmmcFCsBjn8!-1086404702?_flowExecutionKey=_cC3296E2C-9D30-4732-1DC0-21B9D162D2A5_k8B991B97-3FF6-770A-EA0C-A2CA09E6902E
Okay, and who really knows if that link will work.
That's it for today's update! It's been a very busy week - church stuff seems to get busier and busier for Landon. I'm taking him on a special surprise date tonight.... :)
Friday, March 12, 2010
Embarrassing Moments

Not exactly like this (it was bigger and black) but a lot like this. Well, I got my heel caught in one of the holes, and I fell down. Not a graceful fall down, but a fall where you are yelling, "Oh, oh, oh, oh" the whole time because I was just hoping I could catch myself some way. I am now on the floor. Well, guess what? Not one person got up to help me. This probably serves me right because Landon and I have seen some people fall before and had no clue what to do to help them and have just stood there. This is what happened with me. Finally, after what seemed like an hour, but was probably just 10 seconds or so, I got up off the floor, and I was okay, and I really wanted to cry. I got up to the counter to get my second load of stuff - well, the employee did not even ask if I was okay! So, I said, "Excuse me, did you just see me fall down over there?" Then, she said, "Do you want cream to go with these coffees?" It was like they were afraid I would sue them, so she wouldn't even acknowledge that she had seen me fall. It was embarrassing, and even when I got in the car, I couldn't cry about it because I had to go straight to work and couldn't have crazy makeup smeared down my face. Sometimes being an adult is hard.
Landon and I have witnessed a lot of embarrassing moments for people. I think we are jinxed or something sometimes. Here are just a few things we have seen happen:
- One time we were at a wedding out of town. It was around Christmas. We happened to be parked at this church right in front of an outdoor nativity scene with plastic people. It was nighttime, and we were leaving the wedding. Landon starts the car and the headlights come on. They are shining brightly on the already lit up nativity scene. All of a sudden, here come a man going to his car. Instead of walking on the sidewalk, he tries to cut through some way between the front of our car and the nativity. Well, he fell down right in front of our car inside the nativity. It was very strange. He fell among all the plastic people.
- Another time we had been at Woodstock for Sunday night Service. After the service, I was talking with someone and facing the front of the church. All of a sudden, a man was walking by the steps at the front (a bunch of hard wood steps), and he fainted. He slammed his head down on those steps and just laid there. Landon had to go into security mode and get help, etc. We were both so freaked out and stressed after it happened that we decided to go to Cracker Barrel. We sat down at Cracker Barrel and started looking at our menus. All of a sudden, craziness breaks loose. A man fell trying to get up from his table, but he grabbed onto other tables to break his fall. The other tables slid across the floor, throwing the salt and pepper shakers, lanterns, on the floor where they busted right by/onto our legs. That was one crazy night.
- We have had to stop for 2 (I feel like 3, but I can only remember 2) motorcycle accidents and help with them. I am serious.
The other embarrassing thing I was going to share was when I sent out a company newsletter on behalf of our CEO to the entire firm and it was supposed to say "Attached is the End of the Year Firm Newsletter", and instead I wrote, "Attached is the End of the Firm Newsletter". It was a nightmare. I had only been at RB&Co. for about 4 months then, so it was TERRIBLE. Russ was GREAT about it, but it was awful. For like 2 years I could not even talk about it without crying and my face getting hot. Now, I like to tell the story to the newest employees so they can see that even if you make crazy mistakes for the CEO OF THE ends up alright in the end...people have grace at my work. :)
Jesus Calling

Check out these excerpts I love from the past couple of weeks:
March 3
I love you for who you are, not for what you do. Many voices vie for control of your mind, especially when you sit in silence. You must learn to discern what is My voice and what is not. Ask My Spirit to give you this discernment. many of My children run around in circles, trying to obey the many voices directing their lives. This results in fragmented, frustrating patterns of living. Do not fall into this trap. Walk closely with Me each moment, listening for My directives and enjoying My Companionship. Refuse to let other voices tie you up in knots. My sheep know My voice and follow Me wherever I lead.
Ephesians 4:1-6, John 10:4
March 9
Rest in My radiant presence. The world around you seems to spin faster and faster, till everything is a blur. Yet there is a cushion of calm at the center of your life, where you live in union with Me. Return to this soothing Center as often as you can, for this is where you are energized: filled with My Love, Joy, and Peace.
The world is a needy place; do not go there for sustenance. Instead, come to Me; learn to depend on Me alone, and your weakness will become saturated with My Power. When you find your completeness in Me, you can help other people without using them to meet your own needs. Live in the Light of My Presence, and your light will shine brightly into the lives of others.
Galatians 5:22; 1 John 4:12
Wait, I lied - I have to tell you one more! Maybe my favorite one for right now...
March 10
You are Mine for all time - and beyond time, into eternity. No power can deny you your inheritance in heaven. I want you to realize how utterly secure you are! Even if you falter as you journey through life, I will never let go of your hand.
Knowing that your future is absolutely assured can free you to live abundantly today. I have prepared this day for you with the most tender concern and attention to detail. Instead of approaching the day as a blank page that you need to fill up, try living it in a responsive mode, being on the lookout for all that I am doing. This sounds easy, but it requires a deep level of trust, based on the knowledge that My way is perfect.
Psalm 37:23-24; Psalm 18:30
Aren't those awesome??? Isn't it a great book? It has really helped me start great conversations with the Father in the morning, just sitting on the edge of the bathtub while I'm getting ready. The way she writes helps me feel like I'm just sitting right up in His lap, and He's just brushing my hair out of my face and telling me stuff so gently while we rock back and forth. He is a good God. I'm so happy I found this book (finally...apparently after years of everyone else having it). I have an extra right now, so I'm trying to decide who to give it to....
Thursday, March 11, 2010
The Weekend

I was amazed at one of the hidden talents Bryan and Olivia have. So, I watched them buy their popcorn to share. Then, they asked for an extra bag. They poured part of their popcorn in this extra bag - you know why? SO THEY COULD PUT THE SEASONING ON IT IN THERE AND THEN SHAKE IT UP. They are serious popcorn experts. Bryan must've been at the little seasoning machine for like 5 minutes perfecting their bags (I am not making fun, merely admiring this quest for seasoned popcorn perfection). Landon went to get popcorn for us right before the movie started. He put some seasoning on it, but we didn't get an extra bag. Olivia shook it up for us when he brought it back up. Ya'll, it literally looked like a machine was shaking it. She is a pro. She was able to shake it while it was this full, side to side, side to side, and it shook down pretty well. I was impressed with this.

And, finally, here's my Week 22 picture. It's blurry because I accidentally switched the camera off of the auto focus setting, so Landon couldn't figure out what was wrong (nor could I when I looked at it). But, here I am. I could go into lots of detail about weird stuff that's happening to my body - but I'll spare you. Let me just tell you this though. I got some serious business labor details from a couple of my co-worker friends, and I really appreciate it. I need to know what I'm walking into, people! I don't want to watch any videos of anyone, I just want to hear about it so I'll know what's coming.

Friday, March 5, 2010
James' Crib and Bedding
Here's the furniture. We're planning to get the crib (which converts into a double bed) and the dresser (which we'll use as a changing table at first and then as a dresser - we'll just have to put a mirror over it). I really wanted a sleigh crib. Those jokers are expensive. I found this though, and I love it. I love how the crib is really big and bubbly. This is my definite favorite from all I've looked at. We're planning to get it from JC Penney.

Alright, and here's the bedding. Landon and I had a time trying to compromise on something. I don't like quiltish looking patchy stuff all that much. I mean, a quilt's a quilt, but I didn't like it for all these bedding choices. I kept picking out girly stuff that had scroll and paisley designs. I realize I am having a boy. James. I want to do him right. I want to be a good boy mom (within reason - I am not picking up bugs). So...we compromised on this set. I already ordered it, and it's supposed to come tomorrow! :) We ordered a few of the extras that went with it, but not all of them.
We ordered the 4 piece bedding set.

The valance for the window in the room.

And the diaper stacker. Okay, for some reason, I am like the most excited about the diaper stacker. Why? I have absolutely NO IDEA. But, it's just the truth.

ALRIGHT!! That's it for now! Mandy went with me to Babies R Us yesterday, and we walked down every aisle and talked about things. I was able to take 4 pages of notes - in a small notebook, now, let's not get crazy. I feel so much better about registering - in fact, I feel EXCITED about registering!!! I did not realize though how many things babies do need - and things that I want James to have! I'm even more excited and not so overwhelmed now that I'm ready to conquer Babies R Us.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Calling all Moms
It's a....

I cannot believe we are having a boy! It was a huge shock at the dr. office last Thursday. I have an older doctor, so although I'm sure it's an old wives tale, when he said he thought it was a girl last month (I think because the heartbeat was faster), we just took him at his word, I guess. I think Landon and I both anticipated a girl....and when the ultrasound showed a, were we surprised! Boy, I want to be a good mom. I feel even more unsure about how to be a momma to a boy....just because I'm a girl and only had a sister. I am excited to have a sweet boy, and we already know his name will be James. We're having a tougher time with middle name, so we're working on that. My parents came on Friday, so I hung up two balloons (like the one above) - a girl balloon and a boy balloon. Then I had them open a present with the following little outfits to tell them whether or not the baby was a boy or a girl.

And finally, here I am. This is at 21 and a half weeks. I'm definitely starting to look bigger...and there's no question I feel bigger. I feel sort of like an alien. But, it will be worth it for sure when our sweet James arrives.