The boxes - they were big!
Putting together the crib. They did a great job - and I'm glad because James has to be safe in it!
And, the dresser - I wanted to get the lamp out and put it on the dresser because that's exciting to me :)

You can see that I put the quilt over the crib, but I can't put anything else inside since there's no mattress yet...but I love it - I love the wall color and the way the quilt and crib look with it.

So, the furniture situation was a big success. Now to decide on other room decor. I have the three pictures to put up on the wall, so I'm sure I'll do that - I think I want to put those little shelves and then set the pictures on top of the shelves, but I'm not sure - I might just want to hang the pictures straight up on the wall. For another wall, I'm going to do one of those wall vinyls that says a verse - I'm pretty excited about this idea, and I really like how it looks in rooms. Here's an example of one - this is not the one for James' room - I'm not ready to reveal that one yet...but just so you can see what the wall art looks like. It's like a big sticker. I'm excited. 
Then, I'll just need a few more decor things and we'll be set for the decoration stuff. Uh, now we'll just need...let's see....THE BABY...and all the stuff WE ACTUALLY NEED FOR THE BABY.

Then, I'll just need a few more decor things and we'll be set for the decoration stuff. Uh, now we'll just need...let's see....THE BABY...and all the stuff WE ACTUALLY NEED FOR THE BABY.
I had a dr. appt. yesterday. I'm 25 weeks today. The appt. went great. I was able to ask a lot of questions about the ultrasound from last time - it's funny because I felt so shocked that it was a boy that I didn't really ask much of anything. Well, I made up for it this time. He answered all my questions and reassured me that things are going great. Next time I have to take the sugar test - and drink that stuff - and we'll do another ultrasound. Praise the Lord that I have made it so well this far. I saw at the top of my blog that I have like 105 days left...yikes, that is not very long.
I registered us (that means me and Landon :) for some Northside classes. One for the maternity tour, one class for nursing, and one for infant CPR. I was going to register for a birthing class, but I've decided against it. After hearing someone's opinion (that I trust and value), I know I want an epidural, I just want all pain to go away, so it's not like I want to know focal point business or pain management techniques. I don't care - just give me the drugs and let's get it over with - and then James will be here!
It's funny because I felt so shocked when I found out the baby was a boy. Now, I feel like I can't really imagine anything else - James is part of the family already, and we can't wait to meet him (uh, but we want him to stay inside as long as he will so he'll be ready!). We've been reading him some books, and Landon just ordered the Diggingest Dog to read - I read it yesterday, and it is GREAT. I loved Dr. Seuss, so I don't know how I missed out on that one.
On the agenda for this week is church tonight, and then the weekend. I know you will not be able to believe it...but NO ONE IS VISITING US THIS WEEKEND! I'm hoping we can put up curtains and pictures and register at Target! What in the world does a normal weekend look like?? I don't know...but I cannot wait to find out, and I hope it involves lots of SLEEPING!
That is wonderful..the Diggingest Dog is a great one. Another idea is Kohl's has books for $5 and stuff animals for $5 that match the books. For a few months now they have had Dr. Seuss featured. I hope you get some rest and I am really glad that you guys had a great visit. Love you both.