Alright. Time for a post. I have to make this quick though because I have to use the restroom (which is becoming my life). We had a great weekend with Olivia and Bryan. I ate and slept plenty, so that was great. We didn't do much (well, except for Bryan who took a crazy hard test Saturday morning). On Saturday afternoon, after his test was over, we went to see Alice and Wonderland. That movie was pretty weird - I don't know exactly how weird because I slept through a lot of it. I am having a hard time staying awake at the movie was like just so dark behind my 3D glasses. And, get this? We got to keep the 3D glasses this time - must be why the tickets were more expensive. Here's a picture of Olivia and me before the movie:

Meanwhile, Landon was running around trying to make sure they had not let anyone into the theater. He likes to be the first one. We are usually pretty early for movies for this reason, and he is a very nervous person about getting a good seat, getting food at exactly the right time, putting certain amounts of seasoning on the popcorn, etc. Once he gets settled down, he is fun and normal, but although usually I am the stressful one, he is very stressful at the movies, and I have to be the calming influence :)
I was amazed at one of the hidden talents Bryan and Olivia have. So, I watched them buy their popcorn to share. Then, they asked for an extra bag. They poured part of their popcorn in this extra bag - you know why? SO THEY COULD PUT THE SEASONING ON IT IN THERE AND THEN SHAKE IT UP. They are serious popcorn experts. Bryan must've been at the little seasoning machine for like 5 minutes perfecting their bags (I am not making fun, merely admiring this quest for seasoned popcorn perfection). Landon went to get popcorn for us right before the movie started. He put some seasoning on it, but we didn't get an extra bag. Olivia shook it up for us when he brought it back up. Ya'll, it literally looked like a machine was shaking it. She is a pro. She was able to shake it while it was this full, side to side, side to side, and it shook down pretty well. I was impressed with this.

And, finally, here's my Week 22 picture. It's blurry because I accidentally switched the camera off of the auto focus setting, so Landon couldn't figure out what was wrong (nor could I when I looked at it). But, here I am. I could go into lots of detail about weird stuff that's happening to my body - but I'll spare you. Let me just tell you this though. I got some serious business labor details from a couple of my co-worker friends, and I really appreciate it. I need to know what I'm walking into, people! I don't want to watch any videos of anyone, I just want to hear about it so I'll know what's coming.

That's it for now - I have something else I want to tell you, but it'll have to wait til tomorrow...thank goodness for Friday! Kristy came on Tuesday afternoon to help me with decoration advice I'm ready to shop for some curtains on Saturday!! (maybe). I'm planning to cook Swiss Chicken tonight for dinner - YUM. And, I went to Motherhood Maternity today and got a few more clothes - now maybe it won't totally look like I'm wearing a uniform to work everyday (btw...we don't wear uniforms at my work).
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