Monday, August 29, 2011
The Frymire Yard...A Wildlife Refuge?
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Busy on the John Deere
I'm thankful for a really good husband who is such a hard worker. We've just been having some good days lately :)
Friday, August 26, 2011
Just Plain a Really Good Day
Thursday, August 25, 2011
SUYL - Baby Shower Ideas
Shower #1: Woodstock Friends
Shower #2: Bethabra, Our New Church Family
Shower #3: RB&Co Co-Workers
God has blessed us with amazing friends, an awesome church family, and fantastic co-workers. Just looking back at these posts makes me smile. I had no idea what was in store :) Ha. I am blessed.
Daddy is WAY MORE FUN than Mommy!
Landon was playing with James tonight in his tent (right before he hung up some pictures for me and then promised me that he would never hang pictures for me again - that we would hire someone if need be, but that he could not handle it), and I ran and got the flip camera because it was so funny. I can be pretty fun with James, but Landon thinks to do the funniest stuff with him sometimes. Things I cannot even think of. I'm so thankful James has such a GREAT daddy. He definitely is one loved baby (I have to keep calling him a baby until he's like 25 years old...Just FYI).
Why am I the One SWEATING to Death at Gymboree???
We had a fun time at Gymboree today. I took 3 short videos of James that are SWEET - but a little boring unless you are James' mommy or grandparents :) He did well today at the class since it was a true Level 3 class - only 3 children there today (lots of # 3's in this post...weird), so that was good because James got lots of attention. He has no interest in doing anything on the mat that is organized, really. Although he did enjoy pushing the air tube with the other 2 babies across the floor. He really hates almost anything with that big parachute - which is like the signature Gymboree class item to me. He doesn't want to sit on it while we fan the edges up and down. He doesn't want to ride around in it while I pull him. He doesn't want to sit under it and play peek a boo. He is out. He LOVES shooting balls in the basketball goal. Or not just balls - anything really. We have 2 more weeks of our Groupon deal left to go. I'm hoping Landon can go with us next week or the next so he watch James in action. By the time that class is over, I am SWEATING. Whew! It's a lot of work to try to get your 1 year old baby to participate in organized activites. AND, I forgot my socks today and had to pay $2 for a pair of socks :( James had a great time sliding and going through tunnels, so it was worth it. AND, we ate Chick-Fil-A at the mall afterward and that man is LOVING some Chick-Fil-A chicken nuggets - I could not be prouder!!!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Don't Let the Door Hit You on the Way Out, Old Trashcan
Already he got into some Triscuits in the pantry and brought them in the bathroom with one sticking out of his mouth. I told him he could have the triscuit, but we had to leave the bathroom - no eating in the bathroom...gross. He likes to play with the syrup bottle. He eats fruit and two frozen pancakes every morning for breakfast, so he knows about Aunt Jemima. He likes to carry the syrup bottle around with him. BUT, we just got a new one - a jumbo size since he's eating the 2 pancakes every morning - so when he pulled it down off the shelf of the pantry, guess what? It busted on the floor. Oh, it was plastic - and it was just a big crack in'er the less...friends, it was sticky. I put it most of it in the old, smaller bottle of syrup that was almost gone, and the rest of it is in this tupperware:
Dear Old White Trashcan,
You are cheap. You are flimsy. You are not getting the job done anymore. Thank you for your service in our home, but your time here is done. I cannot risk my baby touching raw meat in the trashcan. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
You are a delight to me! You have many impressive features. Thank goodness Bed Bath took those expired coupons. I plan to have you for many years. Please, please stick with us. You must be able to win over the baby, though, and if you cannot outsmart him, you will not be able to stay.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
The Joy of the Flaps
But anyway, we checked out 6 books yesterday! All board books. I'm afraid for us to take the nice ones yet. :)
Saturday, August 20, 2011
What a Dump! Where is Oscar???

I must make this promise to James. James, my sweetest baby in the whole wide world, I will find the Elmo book with Oscar's page. I will find the book for you to read. If it's the last thing I do - if I don't find it until you are in college - I will look and look and look. I will not rest. I will locate Elmo Loves You with the proper pages. You will have Oscar. Don't worry, Baby. Mommy will get it for you.
If you can assist me with this search (i.e. you have this book at home and no longer need it...) contact me immediately, like yesterday! My baby's happiness is depending on it! :)
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Gymbo, Discipleship, & Brown Bag Specials

Monday, August 15, 2011
Tasty Monday...actually last Thursday?
Please no expectations. of the things I've struggled with most after becoming a SAHM is cooking. I feel weak in this area because Landon's family cooks GREAT - which I really enjoy when we go home and eat their food, but sometimes I feel a little "less than" when I'm attempting to fry okra or cook some chicken and dumplins....etc. One of the recipes Landon used to talk about when we first married was a recipe his sister used to make called Pizza Hotdish. I remember making it, and it just wasn't that great. I don't know why. So...years later (um, I mean now), in an attempt to be sweet Betty Crocker waiting at home with a ribbon in my hair, a pearl necklace and apron on when my husband arrives....I decided to re-look up a new recipe for this old favorite of Landon's and attempt it. Well...who knew? It was pretty dad-gum good. Most people do a Tasty Tuesday on their blog. Um, this is like Tasty Monday, I guess, but really is like Tasty last Thursday because that's when I made it. I just wanted to share it while I'm blogging about unimportant things TODAY. Who knows about's the recipe:
1 lb lean hamburger
1 onion, chopped
2 garlic cloves, chopped (dude, I don't even know what this is, so I just put some garlic powder - ha)
25 oz spaghetti sauce
8 oz tomato sauce (again...right...I just combined 25 and 8 and put in one big jar of Prego)
1/2 cup water
1 tsp garlic salt
1 tsp oregano
salt & pepper
1 16oz package egg noodles
1 12oz can cheddar cheese soup
1 16oz package pepperoni (uh, I only used 8 oz and it was plenty...)
1 8 oz package mozzarella cheese
1 8 oz package cheddar cheese
1. Prepare egg noodles as directed on package. Drain.
2. Add cheddar cheese soup to egg noodles and mix.
3. Meanwhile, brown hamburger with onion and garlic. Drain grease.
4. Add spaghetti sauce, water, garlic salt, tomato sauce, salt, pepper, and oregano.
5. Simmer about 5 minutes.
6. While heat is still on, add in half the package of pepperoni one at a time to make sure the pepperoni doesn't stick to each other. Pepperoni will become limp, and this will let you know it's ready.
7. Great a 9x13 pan.
8. Add meat mixture to noodle mixture and stir in 1/2 of the mozzarella and cheddar cheese.
9. Place meat and noodles in greased pan.
10. Cover top of casserole with remaining pepperoni like you top a pizza.
11. Sprinkle the rest of remaining cheese on top.
12. Bake at 350 degrees until bubbly and cheese melt and is starting to brown slightly.
Ya'll, this was Goooood. Even Landon said so. Even James ate it and ate it in fistfuls :)
Oh, and even though I'm writing about something unimportant, I need to include a James Update.
James Update: James fell on the front steps today. Poor baby. If his mommy had been more attentive instead of trying to pull a dumb weed out of the flower bed. He fell on the side of his face. I was afraid when I picked him up off the sidewalk that there would be blood everywhere. Thank the Lord (literally, I'm thanking the Lord), there wasn't. There was some blood where it scraped his nose and part of his upper lip. His face is a little red on that side, and it skinned a little bit of his hand...I know I was really lucky. I was lucky he didn't knock out a tooth. We have tricky front steps, and I should have been watching him better. Bad mommy award for today :( I'll try better tomorrow!