Friday, July 17, 2009

Why No Posts?

Well, here's the deal. I am still really enjoying my blog. But, as you can see, I haven't been doing a fantastic job posting new fun stories! That's because my coworker, Mandy, has officially left on her maternity leave. Yikes! My boss, Patty (in the green sweater), sent an email to our company yesterday letting them know, and the subject line said: "Mandy has left the building...but Bethany's still here!" Mandy is the one right next to me with the blond hair. I have been training for a long time, basically the entire time Mandy has been pregnant, to do payroll and many of her other tasks while she is out for maternity leave...12 weeks. I am really busy. I already had a full time job, but throwing this on top of it - oh my word, it is pretty crazy. She was not supposed to have the baby (Isabelle) until August 4th, but because of some high blood pressure issues and the fact that the baby is ready to roll and good weight, they've decided to go ahead and induce, probably next Mandy's last day to spend a few hours in the office was yesterday. I am working on not panicking when situations arise...and you know that is extremely hard for me. Success for me is a day without crying right now! I really enjoy the job I'm doing. I love doing payroll - it's meticulous work, and I love that! It's just the volume of the work that is a lot for me and I am more than busy from the time I walk in to the time I walk out! I feel like Daddy saying he doesn't have time to go to the bathroom some days! So...just know...I am very sorry, and I'm posting when I can...but yikes, I'm busy...there is no chill-axin for me right now...unfortunately. So, pray I don't have daily meltdowns or a nervous breakdown during this time. Mandy is set to return October 12th, and I am SO GLAD she's able to take these 12 weeks at home before coming back. I'm so excited for her family and for her precious new baby, Isabelle! Pray that all will go smoothly...I'll keep you updated on my mental status.

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