Sunday, February 5, 2012

On the Mend

So, Baby James is on the mend.  I was about to lose my mind by the end of the day yesterday.  I can't figure out if he's whiny because he doesn't feel good or whiny and demanding because he really doesn't feel good still.  I've been REALLY trying to have a mother's heart :) and assume he doesn't feel well...but boy you know what that means.  I can be patient with James, but I am HATEFUL to Landon.  I snapped at him in Cracker Barrel last night - whew.  It's rough.  

Yesterday afternoon the Wakeman's brought a picnic table over to us that Finn has outgrown and I think James can REALLY use.  He keeps shoving his chair back at the big table and has fallen backwards a couple of times.  I really want him sitting with us at the big table, but I think at least for snacks and maybe breakfast while just he and I are here, this picnic table will help things a lot.  Finn sent a Get Well bag for James with cookies and a CARS juice box.  James was pretty excited.


I noticed yesterday afternoon that James had a rash.  When I looked it up on the internet (on legitimate sites), it said if strep throat was accompanied by a rash then it was scarlet fever.  It said that if your kid was already on the antibiotic then it was fine.  The rash isn't contagious and should disappear within 2 or 3 days.  I called Steph (my personal pharmacist) to see what she thought.  She thought it was safe to not call the dr. unless something got worse - she agreed with what I'd found on the internet.  But then, I got James ready for bed and when I took his shirt off, I just thought the rash looked a little scary and so I went ahead and called the dr. on call.  They are wonderful at Gwinnett Peds.  I'm so glad we go there.  It was a nurse practitioner on call.  I explained what I was calling for.  She said they call that the scarlettina rash (or something like that), and that yes, if he was already on the antibiotics, it was fine.  Whew.  Goodness.  James slept well last night.

Update on the picnic table though:  I put James breakfast there this morning.  He acted interested.  But, he came back in the kitchen to find me.  So, I brought my coffee and breakfast to the picnic table, and busted my big adult legs up under the table (which let me tell you took some effort), so that we could sit together. Which, Steph, reminds me of MY LEGS, MY LEGS or the bus scene on the way to our sr. trip with Zuraff - or however you spell his name.  No sooner than I got myself situated (folded up) in there, he hops right down and says he is done.  Hmmm.  The only thing that's not good about it is that he is not strapped down and can come and go as he pleases.  At least it's safe though.  AND, even strapped down, you can trust me that I can't force him to eat ANYTHING he doesn't want to eat.  Seriously.  So, I unfolded my body from the table...hopefully it will go a little better at lunch.  We shall see.

Missing Landon this morning.  Hate for him to be without us at church.  I'm thankful I was able to stay with James this morning though.  Praying God does something great at Bethabra this morning!

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