Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Illegally Attending Storytime

I have talked before about how much I love the public library - how much I loved it growing up - and how much I want James to enjoy it.  We've been trying to go to story time in Braselton, but truthfully, it's just not all that exciting.  So...Jeanette has been taking Finn to story time at the Hamilton Mill library.  We met there last Tuesday just to visit the library and play on the playground and eat lunch together.  It was FABULOUS.  HM Library has a story time every Tuesday - but it's only for 2 years old and up.  Jeanette was telling me, though, that lots of moms bring siblings of the older than 2's, so there are a wide variety of ages there.  I decided to try bringing James even though he's a little young.  We had such a great time yesterday!  Here's James playing on the computer...he looks like a pro already :)

Yay for friends!  James and Finn!
It was an interesting time during story time.  The lady was fantastic.  When we arrived at the library, we were met by this story time lady and her fox puppet, Ms. Christine (I think that was the fox's name).  It was so exciting.  James kept "Woof woof" -ing over and over thinking the fox was a dog.  It was awesome!  She read three books - and in between each books she would either sing a song or play a game.  James did great during the songs or games, but not so great during the books.  It was pretty obvious he was so much younger during the actually reading times.  He made it through the first book, but during the second book, he really wanted to get Ms. Christine (the fox puppet) behind the story time lady in her chair.  I don't want to be a mom who is always saying NO, NO, NO all the time, so I let James kind of walk around a little during the story.  BUT, then he ended up making a beeline for Ms. Christine.  That was the only real scene we made.  Me carrying James out into the real library so we would not disrupt book #2 any further.  We did not return for book #3 so that all the other children could enjoy it :)  We had a GREAT time though, and I definitely want to go back.  It is the best story time I have ever seen!!!
after story time, we went to Chick-fil-A with our friends to eat lunch. 
After eating our lunch, Finn wanted to play on the playground.  Well, up until yesterday, James has been satisfied with playing on the lower part of the playground - where the babies play.  BUT, yesterday, he decided he wanted to play in the top part....THE TUBES.  Oh my.  Well, it says on the sign that parents are welcome to play.  All I could think about was that GMA special a few months ago about how nasty and dirty those play places are, and now I was getting a chance to find out for myself.  So...James climbed up - and I knew I was going to have to climb up too.  So, I did.  Claustrophobic, anyone?  Then, you should never climb up high into a child's play land of tubes.  I felt like a giant up there.  But, I diligently (as any good mother would) followed James throughout the entire little up high play land.  At one point, this kid in the picture below (not James or Finn) actually had to say to me, "Um, excuse me," when he needed to get by.  Um, what?  Are you saying I'm an adult and I'm ENORMOUS to be up here and you cannot get by in the tube?  Finally, James seemed ready to go down the big slide, so Jeanette caught him at the bottom.  One of the moms below said she'd never seen a parent climb up in there before.  All for the joy of my baby, Lady.  It took me what felt like forever to climb down (since I clearly did not take the tube slide down for Jeanette to catch me).  I was yelling to Jeanette, "No, don't let him back up here!"  Whew!  Thank goodness we took an ice cream break (oh, and btw, who knew you could trade your prize in the kids' meal for ICE CREAM????) and rested.  Yikes.  It was a wild afternoon.

James was pretty pretty cute yesterday - wearing his monster in training shirt...

He loves to hide behind Elmo and play "Boo". 
And, pumpkin socks!  Tis the season!
We had a delicious dinner last night that if I haven't done for a Tasty Tuesday, I need to - I can't remember.  It's Paula Dean's meatloaf - we had meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and baby Lima beans.  It was delicious :)  YUM.  I had a ladies meeting last night and can I just say for the millionth time that I feel so blessed where we are.  Sure, there are many challenges, but on the whole, I sure do love where we are and the people here.  Very, very thankful for where God has placed us. 

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