Monday, March 16, 2009

Tuning the Piano

Happy Monday! I want to share about having our piano tuned on Saturday. We have the cutest little man who comes to tune our piano. His name is Paise (I think, and you pronounce it like Pie-C), and he is so nice - and really funny. The last time he came to tune our piano was a year ago this month and the Saturday he came was the Saturday we had bad tornadoes come through the area. When he arrived to tune the piano, Landon and I had been down in the basement because the sirens were going off. He was supposed to come back 6 months later, but I kept procrastinating about calling him (because I didn't want to pay the money) and so finally Landon called and made an appointment for him to come this past Saturday. I think whether the piano had not been tuned in 1 month or in 1 year or in 10 years, he would always say (in his accent), "Oh no, this is terrible. This is so terrible. This is very bad." Then he says, "I do not like this piano. It is not good." Okay, well, excuse me, Pie-C, we bought the piano like 3 years ago, and tried to buy a nice one - I mean, I know we could not spend like $10,000, but we did what we could and bought a piano they said was made by Yamaha (not a Yamaha, but made by the same company). So, he goes "Yes, it is made by Yamaha, but they are shutting down factories overseas." Okay, well, great, so now we're paying a lot of money for you to come tune our piano and for you to tell us it's cheap. I am making Pie-C sound bad though - and he is really nice, just funny and doesn't beat around the bush. So, I play Super Mario 2 while he tunes the piano and Landon is downstairs cleaning out his truck. When he finishes, he tells me it is $115.00. Well, I knew it was expensive, but I had forgotten it was that expensive. I said, if we called you 6 months ago like we were supposed to would it have been this expensive? He says, "Yes." So, I am glad we waited 6 extra months - back home I thought it was only like $60 to have the piano tuned - but I could be wrong. Then he gives me his card - on one side of his card is his name and Southern Keyboards (because this is where we bought our piano and who he works for) and on the other side is his own personal card. The card is blue, and on both sides, it shows a fish playing the piano. Cracks me up. Anyway, I know you are like, why did I post this? I just wanted to try to capture how funny he is - even though really I don't think I are supposed to call him in 6 months - yeah right, for $115, I'll be waiting another 12 months!

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